June 1, 2018
Day 21: Ten Things
Here are 10 things for you to contemplate.
1. Crossing the Greenland ice cap is an epic adventure. We've had three insane storms, the first was on our second day of travel!?!
2. With four and a half days left of our crossing Pringles counts are as follows: Eric - one can (unopened). Diogo - 3/4 can. Dean - one can. Kat - one can.
3. I've been wearing the same pair of underwear for almost three weeks, which surprisingly (or sadly) is a far cry from my record of 55 days. (I'm sorry for sharing that).
4. Yesterday, in the middle of the whiteout, a snow bunting flew along side us, landed and watched us ski for a bit, then flew off.
5. We are now at an elevation of 6,700' down from a high point of 8,190'. It's incredible to realize that the volume of ice that we are skiing over.
6. Since we are now skiing down hill, we assumed that we would be able to make great mileage with light sleds. Instead, we have encountered soft snow and are making some of our slowest progress, yesterday making a little over 12 miles.
7. I will be celebrating a birthday on this expedition, which makes the this one of many expeditions in which I've done so - two of which were in 2005 and 2006 during summer North Pole Traverses where my present was not getting eaten by a polar bear.
8. Every day, we hear planes flying over. Flying at 30,000' or so their route takes them roughly on the same path as our crossing. What takes those planes 30 minutes has taken us 21 days (so far).
9. We have become an efficient polar team. With each person sharing the responsibilities of breaking trail, navigating and more. While a difficult journey, it is comforting to travel with such competent team members.
10. Think Snow!
1. Crossing the Greenland ice cap is an epic adventure. We've had three insane storms, the first was on our second day of travel!?!
2. With four and a half days left of our crossing Pringles counts are as follows: Eric - one can (unopened). Diogo - 3/4 can. Dean - one can. Kat - one can.
3. I've been wearing the same pair of underwear for almost three weeks, which surprisingly (or sadly) is a far cry from my record of 55 days. (I'm sorry for sharing that).
4. Yesterday, in the middle of the whiteout, a snow bunting flew along side us, landed and watched us ski for a bit, then flew off.
5. We are now at an elevation of 6,700' down from a high point of 8,190'. It's incredible to realize that the volume of ice that we are skiing over.
6. Since we are now skiing down hill, we assumed that we would be able to make great mileage with light sleds. Instead, we have encountered soft snow and are making some of our slowest progress, yesterday making a little over 12 miles.
7. I will be celebrating a birthday on this expedition, which makes the this one of many expeditions in which I've done so - two of which were in 2005 and 2006 during summer North Pole Traverses where my present was not getting eaten by a polar bear.
8. Every day, we hear planes flying over. Flying at 30,000' or so their route takes them roughly on the same path as our crossing. What takes those planes 30 minutes has taken us 21 days (so far).
9. We have become an efficient polar team. With each person sharing the responsibilities of breaking trail, navigating and more. While a difficult journey, it is comforting to travel with such competent team members.
10. Think Snow!
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